Step 1 – Business Information & Why?

This chapter focuses on sharing, discussing, and understanding Digital Analytics and Growth Hacking principles and objectives to help define and build the key criteria you need for success. 

Growth Hackers focus on leading indicators (i.e., engagement) as opposed to lagging (i.e., focusing on revenue) to ensure growth. 

Do you know yourself, your business, and your market?


  • What is your job role, your main responsibility, and your objective?
  • How do you or others measure your success?
  • Do you have a personal ‘why’ statement? 
  • Why do you do what you do?


  • Have you qualified for your market, the opportunities and your competitors?
  • Have you analysed trends, market information and barriers to entry?
  • How is demand-driven? 
  • How do websites and e-marketplaces fit into that demand?
  • What other forces influence the market? Seasonal? External? 
  • Are you limited by any capacity constraints?
  • Do you understand the market well enough to predict trends before major players tap into them?


  • Do you have an up-to-date business plan?
  • What are your key criteria for success?
  • Does your business plan include a sales and marketing plan, segmented by city or region?
  • Are you aware of the financial forecasts? What are they?
  • Does your product or service solve a problem or address a ‘pain’ or ‘immediate need’ state?
  • Do you know the margins of your products or services?
  • What information do you report each day, each week, and each month?
  • Have you assessed your team and their skill sets and how they work together?
  • How does your business scale (at pace)?

Fundamental ideas

  • Organisations solving new problems often need to create customers and educate the market
  • Organisations solving well-recognised problems often need to focus on getting found at the right time
  • Which one is your business?


  • Does your organisation engage or encourage change? If so, how?
  • When was the last major shift or change within your business?
  • Do you know your competitors? 
  • How well do you know them? 
  • Do you benchmark your performance against those competitors?
  • Are there any reasons why you shouldn’t grow? What are the obstacles to growth? 
  • Are you able to supply goods or services and receive payment?
  • Have you properly calculated the costs involved?

Digital tools

Actionable Insight 

This includes being able to qualify and quantify specific key criteria for success and the opportunities and challenges when it comes to growth.

Take it to the next level

Why do you do what you do? 

How can you use location intelligence?