Online Audit & Competitive Benchmarking FAQs

By |2024-06-07T14:52:01+01:00June 7th, 2024|Uncategorised|

Do you need to improve your e-commerce KPIs, inform your digital strategy & transformation plan, complete due diligence in advance of a business event, or raise investment? Check out a set of FAQs from a recent client briefing workshop. Please share with your network! #actionableinsight  Who do we work with? We work with [...]

Online Audit and Competitive Benchmarking STAR

By |2024-03-21T14:09:23+00:00March 21st, 2024|Uncategorised|

Situation We work with business owners and or in-house sales and marketing teams to complete an online audit and competitive benchmarking.  They are trying to answer questions like;  How does my website's performance compare to my competitors'? Due diligence What are the gaps in my online marketing strategy compared to the industry leaders? [...]

Mastering Lead Generation And Becoming A Subject Matter Expert On LinkedIn

By |2023-12-22T09:54:12+00:00December 22nd, 2023|Uncategorised|

“Taking That Knowledge From Your Head And Sharing It Will Improve Engagement, Lead And Sales Generation, And Build Your Reputation As A Subject Matter Expert” In today's digital landscape, mastering the art of lead generation and establishing oneself as a subject matter expert on LinkedIn can significantly amplify your professional influence. This guide is [...]

By |2023-11-14T15:46:31+00:00November 14th, 2023|Uncategorised|

Artificial Intelligence Optimisation I am working with a number of B2B SAAS service and D2C e-commerce product clients to understand how structured data enables better online visibility, impressions and clicks, by enhancing the way content is presented and understood by search engines, social media platforms, and AI [...]

Interview with Dylan Hey from Leadfeeder

By |2018-03-13T14:40:40+00:00September 21st, 2017|Uncategorised|

I have always been interested in the generation of qualified marketing leads out of previously anonymous web traffic. So, in advance of sharing my Q4 2017 Digital Tools guide, I am testing out a relatively new player in the market called Leadfeeder. So far so good, the dashboard has a great look and feel - and works [...]

***New business win :: Growth Hacking Workshop with CivTech in Edinburgh

By |2018-03-13T14:40:42+00:00November 2nd, 2016|Uncategorised|

We were delighted this morning to receive contracts from the (beautiful Procurement Team) at the Scottish Government to run a Growth Hacking Workshop as part of the CivTech® Accelerator Programme. This project allows us to continue our journey (of Q4 2015) working with the very forward thinking team in Edinburgh. CivTech® is a ground-breaking pilot [...]

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