Step 3 – Target audience(s)

In this chapter, you will learn how to qualify and quantify your target audience groups and their buying behaviour to hone your activities. 

How do people make buying decisions online? 

Option A: Creation of multiple personas and use cases

Audience segmentation
  • The following steps will help segment your audience (and target audience) and identify what you need to do to engage them.
  • Try creating fictitious personas to bring your customer segments to life. Who are they, what are they looking for, and what will engage them?
  • Can you map your customer user journey and identify clear points of engagement?
  • What influences your customers at each of those points of engagement?
  • What actions are needed to fulfil those customers’ needs?
  • How can you take those actions most effectively – can they be prioritised by financial gain and/or business change?

Your existing customers

  • How well do you know your customers?
  • What data do you capture on the customer journey that will help you engage with them?
  • How do you currently segment your data so it’s practical?
  • What data is available to you from other sources that will augment existing data and help build up a fuller picture of your customer? 

Option B: Working out the ‘jobs to be done’

Strategyzer Value Proposition Canvas 

The value proposition changes for each audience segment  

How to create Perfect product pages that feed e-marketplaces! 

Which option, A or B, would work best for your organisation?


  • Can you start messaging by individual audience segments at each stage of the user journey?
  • Can you engage with key opinion leaders (KOLs) who influence these personas?

Digital tools 

Actionable insight 

Once you have segmented your audience, you can find the right people and tell them the right stories for business success.

Take it to the next level

What are your top 3 audience segments? 

How does your value proposition change for each?